The Official Website of the State of West Virginia


Revenue, Department of

The mission of the Department of Revenue is to administer and enforce West Virginia revenue laws, to efficiently collect the proper amount of revenues due the State, to fairly and economically administer laws pertaining to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, to oversee the fairness and financial stability of State financial businesses and the insurance industry in a way that will benefit all West Virginians, to constantly safeguard the integrity of regulated gaming activities and the integrity of amateur, professional and semiprofessional boxing events, to serve as fiscal agent for general obligation bonds issued by local government entities, to serve as staff in preparing the Governor’s annual State budget in accordance with the State Constitution and to implement and execute the budget after enactment by the Legislature, and to inform and otherwise serve the citizens of West Virginia, all in a manner that maximizes voluntary compliance, provides meaningful assistance, and builds confidence in our frugality, integrity, effectiveness, and fairness.

Capitol Complex, Building 1, Room W-300
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305
Click Here for Map

Phone: (304) 558-1017
Toll Free: NONE
Fax: (304) 558-2324


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