The Official Website of the State of West Virginia

The Holidays are Coming… Get Creative Selling Online…and Offline!


When it comes to selling online, and particularly during the holiday season, we are usually bombarded by so many ads from a variety of sources that we are overloaded with products everywhere. Whether it’s online, in print, via TV, radio, mobile phone, the list goes on and on. How can you break through the noise and get YOUR product in front of the right people?

It’s a tough question and why it will take a little time to dissect the selling and advertising process. Selling online has definitely changed from years ago to what it has become today, and many online sales specialists will say exactly the same. Even Facebook Ads and Google Ads aren’t working like they used to. Maybe you used to receive a lot of phone calls, visits to the store, and hits to your website, but their effectiveness has trailed off. With search engine algorithm changes and increased awareness of privacy, a lot has changed on the World Wide Web and what used to work before no longer works as well today. 

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