The Official Website of the State of West Virginia

The best places to take in a sunrise or a sunset in WV State Parks


Sunrise (or Sunset) Over the Water 

Anglers will tell you the best thing about fishing (aside from the catch, of course) is the breathtaking sunrise they can watch from their boat. There is just something peaceful and calming about sunrise over the water when the day is just waking up. At Bluestone State Park, the sunrise across the lake is gorgeous. If you don’t have a boat, you can snag a prime viewing spot from the fishing deck below the office. 

Tygart Lake State Park has jaw-dropping sunsets over the water you can view from your boat or from the marina parking lot. Visitors to Cass Scenic Railroad State Park will also find a beautiful sunrise over the Greenbrier River from the Greenbrier River Trail which runs through the park. 

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