The Official Website of the State of West Virginia

WV Snow Sports Museum hosts grand opening showcasing pieces of history


DAVIS, W.Va. – A group of long-time snowsports fanatics set out to preserve the history of events, places, and artifacts of snowsports in the Mountain State.   

On Thursday, those skiing fanatics held the grand opening of the Snow Sports Museum of West Virginia in the courtyard of Milo’s Café. In 1950, members of the Ski Club of Washington D.C. were flying over Canaan Valley and saw huge snowdrifts in the late spring and sought it out creating ski clubs.  

“To me, one of the most important things is that people can look at this and realize that WV is a ski state. And there is quality skiing in the state, you know, a lot of people all over the country don’t even know there are mountains in West Virginia, even though it’s the most mountainous state in the union,” said John Lutz, Snow Sports Museum of West Virginia Board Member.   

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